Tag Archives: hotdish

Aaaand… it’s winter.


I woke up to this:

October 12th and it's WHITE???

What the H, Wisconsin?! Just 3 days ago I posted about officially feeling fall-like, and now you hit us with THIS??

I'm in denial. This isn't actually real.

This calls for a hotdish. Something carby, cheesy, hot, filling, and substantial. Not just any ordinary hotdish will do. I threw together this Chicken Parmesan Hotdish based on one of da hubs and mine favorite meals- and what we had in our kitchen. There was no way I was going outside!

Definitely comfort food

Chicken Parmesan Hotdish

16 oz. jar of marinara, or 1 batch homemade marinara (recipe below
12 oz. cooked rigatoni, macaroni, mafalda, or whatever you have on hand (we use whole-wheat rigatoni)
1 c. cooked chicken
1 c. mozzarela, coarsely grated or shredded
1/2 c. parmesan, grated
sprinkle of thyme and oregano (optional)

Heat oven to 350 and grease the sides of an 8×8 dish. Spread cooked chicken out evenly along the bottom of the dish. Sprinkle with 1/3 c. mozza. Cover with cooked pasta, sauce, remainder of mozzarela, parmean, and spices. Cook for 35-40 minutes until brown and bubbly.

Marinara sauce

4-5 large tomatoes, or 3 cans of tomato sauce
1 T. tomato paste
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
2 T. green pepper, chopped finely
Salt, pepper, oregano, basil, thyme, and parsley, all to taste

Peel the tomatoes in a hot-water bath and chop well (if applicable). Sautee the onions in olive oil in a large skillet; add the garlic and pepper when onions are soft. Sautee for 3-4 minutes; add spices and cook briefly, about one minute. Stir in the tomatoes or tomato sauce and bring to a simmer. Whisk in tomato paste, and allow sauce to simmer for 10 minutes. Taste and add spice as needed. If sauce is thicker than preferred, slowly stir in 1 T of water at a time; if too thin, add in a small amount of tomato paste while simmering. Can be used as a spaghetti sauce base, pizza sauce, or dipping sauce.

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Filed under Chicken, Clean Eating, Pasta